Replaces the standard Glock double stack magazine floor plate (9mm and .40) with a rail adapter so you can attach the MantisX to your firearm if it doesn't have an existing rail. ...
Laser Training Laser Mantis Pink Rhino - 45ACP
The Pink Rhino Laser Training Cartridge provides instant laser activation when the trigger is pulled....
Mantis Laser Academy Smart Targets - Standard (8.5" x 11")
A full set of Laser Academy smart targets, designed specifically for automatic detection, and automatic shot scoring. Designed for use in the Mantis Laser Academy app....
Mantis Laser Academy - Standard Training Kit 223/556
With guided drills and real-time feedback, Laser Academy allows you to have a training facility at home and at your convenience....
Mantis Laser Academy - Portable Training Kit 223/556
With guided drills and real-time feedback, Laser Academy allows you to have a training facility at home and at your convenience. ...
Maxim Defense CQB Stock JP SCS-SX Gen2, Color: FDE
Finally, a CQB stock built for comfort and durability for real-world use. At its most collapsed position, this CQB stock only adds 5.35” to your AR15....
Karabinek PCC FAXON Bantam 10,5" kal. 9x19
Faxon Bantan 10,5" to karabinek PCC z serii First Line. Doskonały wybór dla strzelców poszukujących kompaktowego pistoletu maszynowego 9x19mm w układzie AR15....
Melee weapon cleaning kit (knives) - CX80 RiflecX
Perfect kit for melee weapon owners that provides smooth operation, takes up little space and is highly effective....
Pocket Set - Weapon Cleaning Kit - CX80 RiflecX
Great cleaning set for a hunter, soldier, or sport shooter, design to clean dirty gun, and take less storage in your bag....
Latarka Klarus XT11R 1300 Lumenów - Taktyczna
Konstrukcja lekkiej i kompaktowej latarki o wadze 122g i wymiarach 33.6mm x 25.4mm x 146.65mm, stworzona do codziennego noszenia....
Latarka Klarus EC20 1100 Lumenów - EDC
Konstrukcja lekkiej i kompaktowej latarki o wadze 150g i wymiarach 28mm x 28mm x 125mm, stworzona do codziennego noszenia....
Active noise-canceling headphones which are often used during shooting....
OWB holster by American company Concealment Express....
OWB holster by American company Concealment Express....
IWB holster by American company Concealment Express....
IWB holster by American company Concealment Express....
OWB holster by American company Concealment Express, made of Kydex....
Karabin H&K MR308 A3 16,5`` Slim-Line kal. 308Win.
Karabin HK MR308 A3 16,5" kal. 308Win to cywilna wersja bojowego karabinu HK 417 niemieckiej firmy Heckler & Koch....
Zbijak aluminiowy anodowany czerwony kal. .338LM - blister 1szt.
Aluminiowy zbijak .338 Lapua Magnum od renomowanego producenta akcesoriów do broni Stil Crin, który dla zwiększenia trwałości został pokryty dodatkową czerwoną anodą....