Stun gun by ESP Scorpy 200 with Pepper spray
Stun gun by ESP Scorpy 200 with Pepper spray We would like to present a defensive device, combining a defensive spray and an electric stun gun, SCORPY 200. Adding the defensive spray has increased the radius of safety of electric stun guns for defense up to a range of 6 ft. (2 m)....
Pepper gas KKS Pro Tect Anti Dog 50ml Cone
ProTect Anti-Dog 50 ml Cone - "always with you" - the KKS ProTect handheld pepper spray gun. These are the most effective Antidog gases available on the market to protect against animals, especially aggressive dogs....
Paralizator ESP Scorpy Max z gazem pieprzowym SCORPY MAX-FOG
Paralizator dotykowy Scorpy Max 500 (Skorpion Max/Scorpy MAX FOG) z miotaczem gazu łzawiącego OC to skuteczna broń elektryczna dostępna bez zezwoleń. ...
Gaz pieprzowy Five point Three 2 355ml - strumien - FOX LABS
To niezwykle mocny gaz pieprzowy o natychmiastowym działaniu. Gaz wykorzystuje jako środek drażniący kapsaicynę o stężeniu (4%) i ostrości 5300000 SHU. Gazy pieprzowe Fox Labs to w tej chwili najmocniejsze gazy pieprzowe w Polsce!...
Gaz pieprzowy GRAPHITE Black żel 3MLN SHU 750ML HJF
Graphite Red Pepper Gel 3mln SHU, HJF 750ml (BLACK), największy pojemnik z ręcznych miotaczy....
Pepper Spray; Manufacturer : Sharg. Model : Defence Nato GRN Gel (2mln SHU 10 OC) - .50ml - Cone
NATO Defense Gel 2ml SHU, Cone 50ml, new strengthened formula 2,000,000 million SHU, 10 OC%....
Pepper spray SabreRed lipstick - pink 22g (LS-22-US)
Women love Saber pepper spray in lipstick because of its compact size, attractive pink color and an even more modern look compared to traditional products....
Pepper spray cartridge OC Sabre Red SpitFire 4.5g
OC Saber Red SpitFire replaceable pepper spray cartridge for SpitFire hand throwers of the American brand Saber Red. The insert is protected with a protective head protecting against accidental use....