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Kilka rzeczy, które warto wiedzieć o gazach pieprzowych.

Kilka rzeczy, które warto wiedzieć o gazach pieprzowych.

Czym jest gaz pieprzowy? Jest to środek chemiczny, potocznie nazywany gazem łzawiącym (lakrymator), którego substancją czynną jest kapsaicyna (OC, zawartość do 15%). Służy obezwładnianiu przeciwnika i nie jest gazem paraliżującym, jego użycie przez osoby prywatne jest dopuszczalne...
IWI Carmel - z projektu dla wojska, do produktu dla cywili

IWI Carmel - z projektu dla wojska, do produktu dla cywili

                                            Źródło: Przyjmuje się, że historia Carmela rozpoczęła się w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku. Izraelici w pogoni za kontraktami rządowymi zaprojektowali karabin mający konkurować z takimi konstrukcjami jak...
Permission for weapons for sporting purposes in Poland - Step by step

Permission for weapons for sporting purposes in Poland - Step by step

Contrary to popular belief, access to firearms in Poland is not a taboo subject. Any adult, healthy and unpunished citizen can apply for a weapon license for sporting purposes. Learn how to do it.
Ballistic Protective Inserts - Everything You would want to know

Ballistic Protective Inserts - Everything You would want to know

As military technologies and industry develop, more products produced for services are also introduced to a civilian market. That applies also to ballistic protection which, despite commonness around the world, in Poland is still a subject of tabu and has an opinion of unavailable premium products.
Let's talk about 5.11 backpacks

Let's talk about 5.11 backpacks

  Accessories delivered by 5.11 are the jewel in the crown among the qualities cherished by this american company originated in the USA, which include durability and quality. And 5.11 backpacks are the personification of the main idea praised by the company, i.e. Always be ready. However, with...
Bravo means quality

Bravo means quality

Bravo means quality After the September 11 attacks, the first global war of the XXI century began, the war on terror. It was also the first truly media war in which the struggles of the coalition forces were widely broadcast and reported, also on the Internet. It wasn't long before American...
DLC coatings for pistols

DLC coatings for pistols

Firearms are a exposed tool to exceptional mechanical and thermal loads. In combination with difficult conditions of use, this can lead to rapid wear and loss of functionality of the weapon, especially in the event of improper cleaning and care. Almost since its inception, the tool industry has...
Kinetic alarm revolvers - Zoraki K-10 and Major Eagle - why they disappeared from the Polish market?

Kinetic alarm revolvers - Zoraki K-10 and Major Eagle - why they disappeared from the Polish market?

An initial speed of 170 m/s over a distance of about 10 m may give the attacker a strong bruise. In addition, a bang, heavy metal revolver and everything without additional permits. As it turns out, not quite ...