Terms and Conditions



Seller and Buyer

The owner of online store TargetZone.eu and its counterpart, the stationary store under the name "TargetZone" is Jammas Sp. z o.o. company  with headquarters at Cyklamenów 9A Street; 04-798 Warsaw, Poland; TAX ID (VIES): PL9522122563; Regon: 146492300; National Register of court no. 0000446431; share capital of: 2.000.000,00pln paid in full.

The address of the pickup point, return point, warehouse and stationary store "TargetZone": 04-015 Warsaw; Al. Waszyngtona 100A Street;  tel. +48 (22) 250-20-21

A natural or legal person making purchases in the TargetZone online store through the order form generated on the website.


  1. The seller sells goods from the "TargetZone" stationary store via the TargetZone.eu online store (referred to as the Store).
  2. All prices in the Store are expressed in Polish zlotys and include VAT Tax.
  3. The price given for each product is binding upon placing the order by the Buyer. The prices do not include shipping costs.
  4. All products offered by the store are brand new and come with a 12 month warranty implemented by the store or the manufacturer's authorized points.
  5. The entry from point 4 does not apply to products for which the description states that they are on sale, the current condition of the product has been described and its price has been reduced.


  1. Orders can be placed as follows:
    1. by filling in a form available on the Store's website,
    2. by e-mail to the following address: targetzone@jammas.eu,
    3. by phone to the number: +48( 22) 250-20-21,
  2. Orders via the Internet can be placed 24 hours a day, all year round. Telephone orders can be placed on business days from 10:00 to 20:00.
  3. Orders placed on weekdays after 14:00 and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, are accepted for execution in the next working day.
  4. Buyer registration (login) is not required to place an order. For registration it is required to provide an email address (login) and to set a password. After registration, an account is created for the Buyer that allows tracking the status of the order, order history record, etc.
  5. The buyer may at any time unsubscribe from the account created for him by removing it or sending an e-mail requesting the account to be removed to the following address: targetzone@jammas.eu
  6. After placing the order, the Buyer receives, to the e-mail address provided by him, an electronic letter automatically generated by the Store with the details of the order.
  7. The conclusion of the contract between the Seller and the Buyer takes place upon booking the goods in the Store's system. The reservation of the goods takes place after the correct ordering of the available product (marked as available) in the Store's system. The subject of the sales contract are goods listed in the order and marked as available.
  8. In the case of products visible in the Store and marked as "unavailable" or "on request", the conclusion of the sales contract is possible only after telephone or email agreement with the Seller's representative of the terms of the contract.
  9. In store for each product delivery time is given. This is the time that elapses between placing an order and sending the package from the store, and only working days are included, including the provisions of paragraph 3.
  10. The order is carried out:
    1. for orders paid on delivery - after the Store receives their additional electronic confirmation (click on the appropriate link) or receives an e-mail confirming the order,
    2. for orders paid with the PayU service (e.g. by credit card, mTransfer, multiTransfer, etc.) - after the transaction has been authorized by the payment service,
    3. in the case of orders paid by bank transfer - after the payment has been credited to the account of Jammas sp. z o.o.
  11. No electronic payments in the case of cash on delivery, or the transaction is not authorized by the payment service, or no payment is received on the account of Jammas Sp. Zoo. within 48 hours of placing the order, the order will be canceled and the goods will be unreserved, except where the delay has been previously agreed with the Seller's representative.
  12. The rights and obligations of the parties arising from the concluded contract are governed by the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (Dz. U. z 1964 r. nr 16, position. 93 as amended), in the Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and on liability for damage caused by a dangerous product (Dz. U. z 2000r., nr 22, position. 271 as amended) and in the Act on specific conditions of consumer sales and amending the Civil Code of 27 July 2002. (Dz.U. Nr 141, poz. 1176 as amended).
  13. A receipt or invoice is attached to each processed order.
  14. The invoice may be issued by the Seller based on the original proof of purchase (receipt) up to 7 days from the date of purchase.
  15. All fees related to the implementation of the order are specified in the order summary, and all items visible in the summary are included in the sales document, invoice or receipt.

Shipment of goods

The ordered goods are sent by the Store via shipping companies (e.g., DHL, InPost, GlobalExpres, etc.) or made available for pickup by the customer in a stationary store in Warsaw at al. Washington 100A St.

Deadline for receipt of the shipment = time of processing the order + delivery time. In the case of payments other than cash on delivery, the deadline for completing the order is extended by the time between placing the order and the date of posting the amount due on the Seller's bank account. In the case of card payments is a positive authorization by the payment service.

The cost of delivery of the ordered goods is specified in the order form depending on the choice of delivery or pickup method.

The store charges a re-shipping fee according to the current price list if the buyer has incorrectly filled in his delivery address.

Receipt of the parcel from the courier company should be confirmed receipt. The buyer, when picking up the subject of the order, is obliged to check whether the parcel has no mechanical damage.

Withdrawal from the contract, way of settling complaints

Pursuant to the Act of March 2, 2002 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by a dangerous product, the Buyer may withdraw from the contract without giving reasons, by submitting an appropriate statement in writing within fourteen days from the date of delivery of the item.

The Buyer is not entitled to withdraw in the cases specified in art. 10 paragraph 3 of the Act referred to in paragraph. 1 above, i.e. in the scope of:

  1. the provision of services commenced, with the consent of the Buyer, before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract (applies to the cases of rendering services and not selling goods),
  2. audio and visual recordings and saved on IT data carriers after the Buyer has removed their original packaging,
  3. contracts for services for which the price or remuneration depends solely on price movement on the financial market,
  4. the benefits of the characteristics specified by the Purchaser in his order, or closely associated with his person,
  5. benefits, which due to their nature can not be returned or whose subject is perishable.

In the event that the Buyer exercises his right to withdraw from the contract, the goods purchased in the Store should be returned immediately, however not later than within 14 days from the date of withdrawal. Goods must be returned in the same state. Along with the goods should be sent attached accessories and documents, in particular instructions, including assembly, warranty card and other related documents (including purchase document).

In the event of withdrawal by the Buyer from the sales contract, the Seller shall refund the price of the goods and shipping costs immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the statement of withdrawal from the sales contract. The money will be refunded by bank transfer to the account specified by the Buyer or by postal order to the address indicated in the order at the Buyer's choice.

If the goods are inconsistent with the contract, within the meaning of the Act on special conditions of consumer sales and amending the Civil Code of 27 July 2002 (Journal of Laws No. 141, item 1176, as amended), it should be sent back to the Store's address. The Seller shall pay the costs related to sending back the advertised goods immediately after receiving the parcel and considering the complaint. The returned goods must be accompanied by a description of the non-compliance of the goods with the contract and proof of purchase of the goods or a copy of it.

Returns and shipments sent at the expense of the Seller's company will not be accepted, unless other arrangements have been made previously.

If consumer goods do not comply with the contract, the Buyer may demand that it be brought into conformity with the contract by free repair or replacement with a new one, unless repair or replacement is impossible or requires excessive costs. When assessing the excess costs, the value of the goods in accordance with the contract and the type and degree of non-compliance found, as well as the inconvenience to which the Buyer would otherwise expose, are taken into account.

If the Buyer, for the reasons specified in point 6 above, may not request repair or replacement or if the Seller fails to satisfy such a request in a timely manner or if the repair or replacement would expose the Buyer to significant inconvenience, he has the right to demand an appropriate price reduction or withdraw from the contract; he cannot withdraw from the contract if the incompatibility of the consumer good with the contract is immaterial. When determining the appropriate time for repair or replacement, the type of goods and the purpose of their purchase shall be taken into account.

Privacy Protection

  1. Pursuant to the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data, the administrator of personal data is Jammas sp.z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw at 9A Cyklamenów Street, Tax id: 9522122563, regon 146492300, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Warsaw, XIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under number KRS 0000446431; share capital: 550.000 zł; paid in full.
  2. The buyer agrees to the processing of his personal data provided in the order for its implementation.
  3. The Seller may process the Buyer's personal data when it is necessary to fulfill legally justified purposes pursued by the Seller, and the processing does not violate the rights and freedoms of the subject data, in particular for the direct marketing of his own products or services.
  4. The buyer making a purchase in the Store agrees to provide his e-mail address to Grupa Allegro Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznań and for processing by the store https://targetzone.eu and Grupa Allegro Sp. z o.o., the Customer's personal data to complete the survey with an opinion on the transaction carried out in the Store https://targetzone.eu (in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997).
  5. In accordance with art. 24 paragraph 1 point 3 of the Act of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data, the Buyer has the right to inspect and modify his personal data at any time, as well as request their removal from the database.
  6. Seller will not process or provide data to other entities of buyers and purchases made by buyers outside intermediary entities cooperating in the implementation of the order.

Intellectual property

It is prohibited to use any materials published on the Store's website (including photos and descriptions of goods) without the written consent of the Seller.

Final Provisions

  1. In order to use the services provided under these regulations, the Buyer should have an Internet browser: Internet Explorer version not older than 7.0 or Mozilla FireFox not older than 3.0 or Chrome (all versions) or Opera not older than 2 and support enabled Java Script.
  2. The seller may make changes to these Terms and Conditions. The revised regulations come into force within 7 days from the release via messages sent by the Purchaser to the given e-mail address, unless within that period, the Purchaser will make a statement of denunciation.
  3. All parties to the dispute arising from the purchase / sale agreement will endeavor to resolve them amicably.
  4. In matters not covered by the above Terms and Conditions, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code and related legal acts shall apply.
  5. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us by phone or e-mail at targetzone@jammas.eu.
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