When the atmosphere becomes too hot, you can hear a sudden "drop the weapon", a sign that the time to cool down emotions ... ehh ... drinks and reach into the freezer after a suitcase tough. Then put each into a glass after pistoleciku and there will be peace. With handbags stretch 6 pcs. Chilling and drinks in glasses sizable guns. And the best place to store luggage is mentioned already freezer. We strongly advise against taking her to the airport or in other public places, mostly for their own safety. Deadly gadget ... ...
Pendant, Manufacturer : Gadget Master, Shape : Vest
The miniaturized pendant vest has a carabiner to attach keys....
A man needs three things to be completely happy: a beloved woman, food and a sense of power....
Waterproof Notebook, Manufacturer : Gadget Master, Color : Green
The pages of the notebook are water resistant because of a special coating, so the pages will not be damaged by rain or snow....
A man needs three things to be completely happy: a beloved woman, food and a sense of power....