Pas taktyczny 5.11 1.25'' KELLA BELT kolor: MARITIME
Pas Kella został wykonany z wytrzymałej nylonowej tkaniny 840D. ...
Pas taktyczny 5.11 1.25'' KELLA BELT kolor: SWAMP
Pas Kella został wykonany z wytrzymałej nylonowej tkaniny 840D. ...
Pas taktyczny 5.11 1,25'' KELLA BELT kolor: BLACK
Pas Kella został wykonany z wytrzymałej nylonowej tkaniny 840D. ...
Pasek 5.11 INNER EDC BELT kolor: BLACK
Inner EDC Belt to pas który został stworzony jako dodatek do zewnętrznego pasa. Zapięcie na froncie umożliwia stosowanie pasa samodzielnie jako "standalone", natomiast głównym założeniem jest mimo wszystko połączenie drugiego pasa....
Belt, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Skyhawk 1,5 Inch, Color : Black
Lightweight, durable and completely metal-free, the Skyhawk Belt is secured with a precision engineered POM thermoplastic with a dual locking buckle....
Belt, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Skyhawk 1,5 Inch, Color : Kangaroo
Lightweight, durable and completely metal-free, the Skyhawk Belt is secured with a precision engineered POM thermoplastic with a dual locking buckle....
Carrier System, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Zero G Plates, Color : Black
The carrying system from the 5.11 company, which radically increases the efficiency and comfort of the working belt....
Men's tactical belt 5.11 MAVERICK ASSAULTERS BELT : BLACK
The Maverick Assaulters Belt is an ergonomic 1.75" width belt with a comfortable pre-curved design....
Tactical Belt, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Maverick Assaulters Belt, Color : Kangaroo
The Maverick Assaulters Belt is an ergonomic 1.75" width belt with a comfortable pre-curved design....
Two Piece Tactical Belt, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Maverick Battle Belt, Color : Multicam
Convenient, handy and easy to use belt with two-piece design and Cobra buckle....
2-piece Tactical Belt, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Maverick Battle Belt D-Ring, Color : Black
Refreshed version of the flagship 5.11 belt, this time with an additional D-Ring. This new feature allows to use the belt in new situations, such as climbing, attaching & pulling another person etc. The Cobra buckles from AustriaAlpin offer the high quality construction and reliability that the most demanding user requires....
Refreshed version of the flagship 5.11 belt, this time with an additional D-Ring. This new feature allows to use the belt in new situations, such as climbing, attaching & pulling another person etc. The Cobra buckles from AustriaAlpin offer the high quality construction and reliability that the most demanding user requires....