Bag, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Allhaula Duffel 90L, Color : Volcanic
A new series of backpack-bags from 5.11 that offers plenty of space to carry your gear, with the quality that can easily compete with other flagship products of the company....
Double Rifle Case, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : 42" Double Rifle Case, Color : Black
This cover was designed to transport 2 long guns like a carbine / smaller shotgun / PCC rifle - with a maximum length of 42 inches, which gives 106,7cm in metric system....
Double Rifle Case, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : 36" Double Rifle Case, Color : Black
This cover was designed to transport 2 long guns like a carbine / smaller shotgun / PCC rifle - with a maximum length of 36 inches, which gives 91,44cm in metric system....
Bag, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Allhaula Duffel 65L, Color : Volcanic
A new series of backpack-bags from 5.11 that offers plenty of space to carry your gear, with the quality that can easily compete with other flagship products of the company....
Bag, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Range Ready Bag 43L, Color : Black
Capacious 43 liter bag is equipped with plenty of pockets to organize your range equipment....
Bag, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Range Ready Bag 43L, Color : Kangaroo
Capacious 43 liter bag is equipped with plenty of pockets to organize your range equipment....
Opisywana wersja utrzymana w eleganckiej szaro-czarnej kolorystyce, została zaprojektowana w stylistyce SIG Sauer, która zainspirowała całą serię praktycznych i stylowych kieszeni, toreb oraz plecaków. ...
Bag, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Allhaula Duffel 45L, Color : Volcanic
A new series of backpack-bags from 5.11 that offers plenty of space to carry your gear, with the quality that can easily compete with other flagship products of the company....
Torba strzelecka 5.11 RANGE READY BAG kolor: BLACK
Obszerna torba przeznaczona do transportu i organizacji sprzętu na strzelnicę wyposażona w szereg usprawnień ukierunkowanych na przechowywanie akcesoriów do broni....