Victorinox Scyzoryk Spartan, Polish limited edition

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  • €22.00 / szt.
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Victorinox is famous for the production of iconic Swiss army knives in red covers. 
This time we offer a special edition of the Spartan pocket knife with Polish motifs.
The front cover has the word 'Poland' in several dozen languages ​​of the world, while on
the other side of the pocket knife there are names of Polish cities.
The new version of Spartan was created for both Polish fans and collectors of Swiss officer's knives, as well as
tourists looking for a unique souvenir from Poland.
  1. A large blade
  2. Blade, small
  3. Can opener
  4. 3 mm screwdriver
  5. Bottle opener
  6. 5 mm screwdriver
  7. Stripping tool
  8. Reamer, skewer and awl
  9. corkscrew
  10. Key ring


Victorinox AG guarantees that all knives and tools are made of the highest quality stainless steel and provides a lifetime 
warranty for material defects and workmanship defects (with a 2-year warranty on electronic components).
The warranty does not cover damage or injury resulting from natural wear or misuse.
  • Armsan
  • 5.11 Tactical
  • IMI Defense LTD.
  • Breda
  • MSA
  • ESS
  • Smith&Wesson
  • Riton Optics
  • Double-Alpha Academy BV
  • SPS
  • Phalanx Defense Systems
  • BUL LTD.
  • Glock
  • Sig Sauer
  • Stil Crin Accessori per Pulizia, Armi
  • BCM
  • Koncern Kałasznikowa
  • Beretta
  • Meprolight Ltd.
  • S&B
  • Cobalt Kinetics
  • GECO
  • Ceska Zbrojovka
  • WileyX
  • Daniel Defense