Okulary ochronne 3M SecureFit 100, bezbarwne SF101AF-BLU
Okulary 3M™ SecureFit™ serii 100 charakteryzują się smukłym, sportowym kształtem soczewek....
Ochraniacz na krocze do Kamizelki PGD Frag Plate Carrier, rozmiar: Uniwersalny, kolor: Multicam
Ochrona krocza dedykowana do kamizelki taktycznej Protection Group Denmark Frag Plate Carrier....
Wkład balistyczny miękki Delta IIIA+55J do kamizelki Templar Gear CIBV Cataphract - Zestaw 7szt
Komplet miękkich wkładów balistycznych stworzonych we współpracy z Protection Group Denmark i Orino Defence, przeznaczony jest do kamizelki CIBV Cataphract od Templars Gear....
Słuchawki 3M Peltor Optime II - Pasywne ze składanym pałąkiem
model o podwyższonej wartości tłumienia hałasu (31dB)...
Słuchawki aktywne Sordin Supreme PRO-X SFA Slim - zielone - 74502-06-S
Sordin Supreme Pro-X SFA, oparte na nowej koncepcji Sordin Flexible Attenuation (SFA), zostały opracowane z myślą o potrzebach użytkowników i stale zmieniających się warunkach. Przy SNR 31 dB bezpiecznie chronią słuch nawet w ekstremalnych warunkach natężenia hałasu, jednocześnie zapewniając możliwość natychmiastowej zamiany na smuklejszą obudowę 26dB ...
Helmet Light, Model : Charge Pro, Manufacturer : Princeton Tec, Color : Green OD
Flashlight Charge Pro designed to be mounted on a helmet, manufactured by the renowned American company Princeton Tec....
5.11 TACTEC PLATE CARRIER + 2x Level IV Protection Group Denmark Ballistic Plates
Set includes the popular TACTEC plate carrier from 5.11 in Kangaroo color, with 2 ballistic plates 30x25 (10" x 12") from one of the most renowned European ballistics manufacturers Protection Group. Plates provide Class IV ballistic protection, which is confirmed by NIJ 0101.06 certificate....
An upgrade from the standard 4H retention system to the PGD-Dial retention system....
5.11 TACTEC PLATE CARRIER + 2x Level IV Protection Group Denmark Ballistic Plates
Set includes the popular TACTEC plate carrier from 5.11 in Kangaroo color, with 2 ballistic plates 30x25 (10" x 12") from one of the most renowned European ballistics manufacturers Protection Group. Plates provide Class IV ballistic protection, which is confirmed by NIJ 0101.06 certificate....
Helmet Mount for PVS-14 / Sightmark Wraith Night Vision; Manufacturer : Norotos, Model : RHNO II
Norotos RHNO II is a night vision mount used by the US military....
Opisywany model przystosowany jest do montażu bezpośrednio na szynach ARC w hełmie...
Mil SFA version features the highest attenuation factor of all Sordin Supreme models - SNR 32 dB, protecting your ears even in the most extreme noise conditions. That's partly due to additional attenuation foam, which improves passive attenuation....
Described model is prepared for mounting directly on helmet ARC rails...
Opisywany model przystosowany jest do montażu bezpośrednio na szynach ARC w hełmie...
Bolle - RX Optical Insert - TRACKER - SOSTRACKER
RX insert for TRACKER spectacle, manufactured by Bolle company....
Active noise-canceling headphones which are often used during shooting. The main advantage of active headphones is that you can talk to an instructor/other person while shooting, and all high decibel shooting noises are cancelled....
One of the best-rated and most popular model of hearing protectors from Axil. Their popularity comes from the high comfort and minimalism offered by standard earplugs & systems from full-size active ear muffs - such as electronic sound processing and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. Presented version was created for Sig Sauer fans and is signed with their logo on the headband and earmuffs. We also offer a version without the Sig Sauer logo....
Enhanced version of Trackr headphones from Axil, with built-in electronic sound processing system, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, and improved parameters over the non-Bluetooth version. Presented version was created for Sig Sauer fans and is signed with their logo on the headband and earmuffs. We also offer a version without the Sig Sauer logo....
Enhanced version of the Trackr earmuffs from Axil, with a built-in electronic sound processing system. Presented version was created for Sig Sauer fans and is signed with their logo on the headband and earmuffs. We also offer a version without the Sig Sauer logo....
Active Ear Muffs, Model : Trackr Bluetooth, Manufacturer : AXIL, Color : Black, Size : Universal
Enhanced version of Trackr headphones from Axil, with built-in electronic sound processing system, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, and improved parameters over the non-Bluetooth version....