Firearms Holsters

Holster without insert by Alpha-X, for Righthanded

Holster without insert by Alpha-X, for Righthanded

Holster without insert by Alpha-X, for Righthanded In recent years Double‑Alpha Academy's competition holsters have been setting the benchmark for advanced design and cutting-edge performance. The Race master holster has become the go-to competition holster worldwide for many top Champion shooters in our sport....

Holster without insert by Alpha-X, for Lefthanded

Holster without insert by Alpha-X, for Lefthanded

Holster without insert by Alpha-X, for Lefthanded In recent years Double‑Alpha Academy's competition holsters have been setting the benchmark for advanced design and cutting-edge performance. The Race master holster has become the go-to competition holster worldwide for many top Champion shooters in our sport....

Holster - DAA PDR-PRO-II Tanfoglio, Right-Handed

Holster - DAA PDR-PRO-II Tanfoglio, Right-Handed

Holster - DAA PDR-PRO-II Tanfoglio, Right-Handed Holster for the model : Tanfoglio...

Extension Adapter  for IMI Defense Holsters and Pouches, Manufacturer : Imi Defense (Israel), Model : Rtex Roto Extension Adapter, Color : Black

Extension Adapter  for IMI Defense Holsters and Pouches, Manufacturer : Imi Defense (Israel), Model ...

This adapter allows you to move the holster/pouch mount away from the body by an additional 5.5mm....

Double Alpha Academy (DAA) RaceMaster Holster Block, Compatibility: CZ TS-2

Double Alpha Academy (DAA) RaceMaster Holster Block, Compatibility: CZ TS-2

The Race Master Holster utilizes an efficient and easy system to allow shooters to switch their holster from one gun type to another by means of changing the Insert Block Assembly. This switch is fast and easy and can be done in less than a minute, and without losing any of the holster's adjustments or settings....

DAA Racer-X holster for STI RH, black

DAA Racer-X holster for STI RH, black

Introducing the Racer-X holster, which brings the improved performance of the Alpha-X hanger assembly to the Racer holster, while maintaining its attractive, affordable price point....



ith Production Division on the rise and many shooters in this IPSC and USPSA Divisions choosing a Kydex closed-body holster (and all USPSA Production shooters having to use it), creating a better Kydex holster is always high on our agenda. ...

Claw Kit for IWB/Tuckable holsters - Concealment Express CE-CLAW-KIT

Claw Kit for IWB/Tuckable holsters - Concealment Express CE-CLAW-KIT

Compatible with all Concealment IWB holsters, provides solution for gun print while concealed carried. Claw Kit is pushed by the belt causing whole holster to rotate towards the body making pistol less visible. ...

Kabura IWB Kydex 1911 Hybrid Tucable (bez szyny) - Carbon. Wew. Prawa - Concealment Express CEX-1911-RH-CF-HYBRD

Kabura IWB Kydex 1911 Hybrid Tucable (bez szyny) - Carbon. Wew. Prawa - Concealment Express CEX-1911...

Kabura wewnętrzna Amerykańskiej firmy Concealment Express to bezkonkurencyjne rozwiązanie lidera rynku kabur kydexowych....

Kabura Uniwersalna IWB/OWB Compatible - Ambi do pistoletów Standard 175+, kolor: czarny

Kabura Uniwersalna IWB/OWB Compatible - Ambi do pistoletów Standard 175+, kolor: czarny

Produkty Concealment Express to wyroby najwyższej jakości, które powstają w Stanach Zjednoczonych, bez jakichkolwiek kompromisów....

Kabura Uniwersalna IWB/OWB Compatible - Ambi do pistoletów Compact 175+, kolor: czarny

Kabura Uniwersalna IWB/OWB Compatible - Ambi do pistoletów Compact 175+, kolor: czarny

Produkty Concealment Express to wyroby najwyższej jakości, które powstają w Stanach Zjednoczonych, bez jakichkolwiek kompromisów....

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do Glock MOS z latarką TRL-7A, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: czarny

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do Glock MOS z latarką TRL-7A, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: czarny

Uniwersalna kabura 3w1 od Amerykańskiej firmy Concealment Express, wykonana z Kydexu....

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do BUL SAS II Ultra, EDC / Staccato 2011 C2/CS/P, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: czarny

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do BUL SAS II Ultra, EDC / Staccato 2011 C2/CS/P, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: c...

Uniwersalna kabura 3w1 od Amerykańskiej firmy Concealment Express, wykonana z Kydexu....

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do BUL SAS II Ultra, EDC / Staccato 2011 C2/CS/P, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: carbon

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do BUL SAS II Ultra, EDC / Staccato 2011 C2/CS/P, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: c...

Uniwersalna kabura 3w1 od Amerykańskiej firmy Concealment Express, wykonana z Kydexu pokrytego wykończeniem typu Carbon....

Kabura zewnętrzna prawa Level 2 Mid Rise do Glock 17, kydex, kolor: Carbon

Kabura zewnętrzna prawa Level 2 Mid Rise do Glock 17, kydex, kolor: Carbon

Mocowana na pasie kabura Level 2 stabilizowana jest elastycznym paskiem, który owija się wokół uda i zaciska za pomocą klamry....

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do Glock MOS, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: czarny

Kabura IWB/OWB Druid do Glock MOS, Ambidextrous, kydex, kolor: czarny

Uniwersalna kabura 3w1 od Amerykańskiej firmy Concealment Express, wykonana z Kydexu....

  • IMI Defense LTD.
  • Ceska Zbrojovka
  • 5.11 Tactical
  • Double-Alpha Academy BV
  • WileyX
  • S&B
  • Cobalt Kinetics
  • BUL LTD.
  • Koncern Kałasznikowa
  • Armsan
  • BCM
  • Glock
  • Sig Sauer
  • Breda
  • Beretta
  • Riton Optics
  • Phalanx Defense Systems
  • Daniel Defense
  • GECO
  • Stil Crin Accessori per Pulizia, Armi
  • ESS
  • SPS
  • Smith&Wesson
  • Meprolight Ltd.
  • MSA