SAS II WIND Limited STD Division Pistol, Manufacturer : Bul Armory , Caliber : 9x19mm, Color : Black
The SAS II line consists of the most modern performance pistols, developed on the basis of many years of experience of world-class IPSC players from TEAM BUL, produced as the BUL LTD brand....
CZ Pistol, Model : Tactical Sport 2, Caliber : 9x19mm
The CZ TS 2 model introduces a new level of refinement. It features a sport trigger with a quick reset, and comes with a new frame and slide....
Pistolet Glock 19 X Coyote MT 13.5X1 kal. 9x19mm
Glock 19X czyli pierwszy pistolet „Crossover” od firmy Glock który łączy w sobie najlepsze cechy dwóch najpopularniejszych pistoletów Glocka 19 i 17....
Karabinek Ruger K10/22-TD Czarny kal. .22LR (11112)
Lekki karabinek boczego zapłonu wyposażony w system szybkiego odlączania lufy z łożem w celach transportowych. ...
Karabin Ruger MPR 10.5" (8570) kal 5.56x45MM / .223rem
Ruger dbając o komfort użytkownika wyposażył karabinek MPR w regulowaną kolbę stabilizującą typu "Arm Brace" (SB Tactical SBA3), która znacząco zwiększa precyzję prowadzonego ognia, polepsza wyważenie broni i ułatwia kontrolę odrzutu....
CZ Scorpion EVO3 S1 Carbine 16" 20 Round Compensator caliber 9x19mm
CZ Scorpion EVO3 is a weapon designed for uniformed services and civilian shooters in the popular pistol caliber 9x19mm. The presented version is intended for the civilian market and it is a self-repeating version....
Pistolet Beretta APX Centurion kal. 9x19mm
Pistolet APX Centurion rozszerza sprawdzoną serię APX do kompaktowych rozmiarów w celu wygodnego noszenia na co dzień. ...
Pistolet Beretta 92X GR CENT kal.9x19mm
Model ten 92X Centurion przenosi sprawdzoną już niezawodność lini pistoletów M9 na wyższy poziom....
First introduced in the US in 1990, the Jericho 941 has enjoyed wide acceptance by American shooters over the last 25 years....
First introduced in the US in 1990, the Jericho 941 has enjoyed wide acceptance by American shooters over the last 25 years....
First introduced in the US in 1990, the Jericho 941 has enjoyed wide acceptance by American shooters over the last 25 years. ...
Karabinek IWI Galil ACE. 20nb. 16 inch. kal. 7.62 NATO
Zmodernizowany Galil ACE oparty jest na niezawodnym mechanizmie oryginalnego karabinu Galil, opracowanego po raz pierwszy przez IMI pod koniec lat 60....
The modernized Galil ACE is based upon the reliable mechanism of the original Galil rifle first developed by IMI in the late 1960’s....
The modernized Galil ACE is based upon the reliable mechanism of the original Galil rifle first developed by IMI in the late 1960’s. ...
The modernized Galil ACE is based upon the reliable mechanism of the original Galil rifle first developed by IMI in the late 1960’s....
The modernized Galil ACE is based upon the reliable mechanism of the original Galil rifle first developed by IMI in the late 1960’s....
IWI Rifle, Model : Galil ACE, Capacity : 30 Rounds, Barrel Length : 16 inches, Caliber : 7.62x39mm
The modernized Galil ACE is based upon the reliable mechanism of the original Galil rifle first developed by IMI in the late 1960’s. ...
IWI Pistol, Model : Uzi Pro, Barrel Length : 4.5 inches, Stock : Foldable, Caliber :. 9x19mm
The UZI PRO SB features a side-folding Stabilizing Brace, produced for IWI US by SB Tactical LLC, designers and manufacturers of the original SB15 and SB47 Pistol Stabilizing Braces. ...