Tactical sling Magpul Sling MS3 1point MS3® Single QD Sling GEN2 - Black - MAG515
Tactical sling that can be configured as one and two points. It is characterized by easy and fast conversion between monting methods....
Pas nośny jendopunktow 5.11 BUNGEE SINGLE POIN SLING kolor: BLACK
Wykonany z wytrzymałego nylonu 500D, pas nośny od 5.11 ma 3 punkty mocowania, i może być używany w połączeniu z większością karabinów i strzelb. ...
QD Sling by Magpul Model : MS4 MAG518, Color : Grey
QD Sling by Magpul Model : MS4 MAG518, Color : Grey Filling the same mission requirement as the standard MS3 Sling, the MS4 can quickly switch between one-point and two-point configuration....
QD Sling by Magpul Model : MS4 MAG518, Color : Green
QD Sling by Magpul Model : MS4 MAG518, Color : Green Filling the same mission requirement as the standard MS3 Sling, the MS4 can quickly switch between one-point and two-point configuration....