Rifle case from a Polish manufacturer, designed for 2 guns & shooting range gear. The design is thickly padded with soft material for maximum protection of the stored weapon....
The Magpul Zhukov-S Stock is a no-compromise folding stock for the modern AK.
Flash Hider, Manufacturer : SilentSteel (Finland), Model : QD Flash Hider
Muzzle device from a Finnish manufacturer, which is responsible for hiding the flash while shooting....
Flash Hider, Manufacturer : SilentSteel (Finland), Model : QD Flash Hider BL 1/2"x28 UNEF MCX
Muzzle device from a Finnish manufacturer, which is responsible for hiding the flash while shooting....
Tłumik płomienia Silent Steel QD Flash Hider 15x1 H&K
Urządzenie wylotowe fińskiego producenta, które odpowiada za tłumienie płomienia podczas strzelania....
Tłumik płomienia Silent Steel QD Flash Hider BL 5/8"x24 UNEF MCX
Urządzenie wylotowe fińskiego producenta, które odpowiada za tłumienie płomienia podczas strzelania....
Transport Backpack, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Load Ready Haul Pack 35L, Color : Smoke Grey
A durable transport backpack that can also be carried by the carrying handles as a bag....
Transport Backpack, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Load Ready Haul Pack 35L, Color : Kangaroo
A durable transport backpack that can also be carried by the carrying handles as a bag....
Transport Backpack, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : Load Ready Haul Pack 35L, Color : Ranger Green
A durable transport backpack that can also be carried by the carrying handles as a bag....
Bluza męska 5.11 PDU COLD RAPID L/S kolor: MIDNIGHT NVY
Męska bluza bojowa stworzona specjalnie na potrzeby zimy, celem zapewnienia pełnej swobody ruchów, utrzymania ciepła oraz odporności na różnorodne warunki atmosferyczne....
Upper / Komora zamkowa Aero Precision AR-15 5,56x45mm/223Rem
Komora zamkowa produkcji Aero Precision wytworzona jest z wytrzymałego aluminium 7075-T6 pokrytej anodyzowaną powłoką....
Carbine Case, Manufacturer : Tacti (Poland), Model : Tactical 7, Color : Black
Rifle case from a Polish manufacturer, designed for 1 gun & shooting range gear. With its tall design, it allows to hold a long weapon with attached optics....
Backpack with 1 Sling, Manufacturer : 5.11, Model : LV10 2.0 Sling Pack, Color : Turbulence
A minimalist backpack for everyday use that offers high comfort, high build quality and low weight....