Magazine Cleaning Brush - Generation 2, Manufacturer : Double-Alpha Academy
Second generation of an essential accessory for every shooter. The DAA company listened to users' feedback and introduced changes that significantly improve the functionality of this accessory....
Produkt ten służy jako powierzchnia która przeznaczona jest do czyszczenia broni jak i wykonywania drobnych czynności serwisowych....
Magazine Cleaning Brush, Manufacturer : Double-Alpha Academy
The magazine cleaning brush is designed to easily and safely clean magazines up to 170mm in length....
Military Soap - RiflecX Specialist 3-in-1 Soap
No matter if you work at a shooting range or shoot from time to time - very dangerous gases are produced during firing....
General Nano Protection - Super Nano Detergent Bore Cleaning Foam - Spray - 200 ml
Fast and effective barrel cleaning foam. Fills all irregularities, separates and dissolves deposits and dirt. It leaves a protective, anti-corrosion coating....
Czyściwo cellulozowe podfoliowane (30x40cm - 40szt) RiflecX
Po co mi czyściwo podfoliowane?