IWB holster by American company Concealment Express....
Kabura Uniwersalna IWB/OWB Compatible - Ambi do pistoletów Standard 175+, kolor: czarny
Produkty Concealment Express to wyroby najwyższej jakości, które powstają w Stanach Zjednoczonych, bez jakichkolwiek kompromisów....
Kabura Uniwersalna IWB/OWB Compatible - Ambi do pistoletów Compact 175+, kolor: czarny
Produkty Concealment Express to wyroby najwyższej jakości, które powstają w Stanach Zjednoczonych, bez jakichkolwiek kompromisów....
Kabura wewnętrzna lewa do pistoletu CZ Shadow 2 Compact, LH IWB kydex, kolor: carbon
Kabura wewnętrzna Amerykańskiej firmy Concealment Express....
Panel biodrowy z pasem udowym do kabur OWB, kolor: czarny
Kydexowy panel jest w pełni kompatybilny ze wszystkimi zewnętrznymi kaburami (OWB) od Concealment Express....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....
The 2-in-1 holster features a metal clip on the one side for concealed IWB (Inside Waist Belt) carry, and a belt tunnel on the other side for OWB (Outside Waist Belt) carry....