Compensator Lantac Dragon .223/5.56 thread 1/2-28 - DGN556B
Kompensator LANTAC Dragon DGN556B™ dla karabinów AR15, M16 i M4 : Jego unikalny system Short Energy Pulse redukuje odrzutu tak, że powtarzająca się energia strzału nie może nakładać się na siebie....
CZ P10 mounting plate for Vortex / Docter 2BME028
The CZ P10 pistol mounting plate for the Vortex / Docter collimator, from Polish manufacturer Two Brothers Military Engineering....
CZ Shadow 2 OR mounting plate for Trijicon RMR/SRO/Holosun 407C/507C/508T - 2BME020
The CZ Shadow 2 OR pistol mounting plate for the Trijicon RMR/SRO/Holosun 407C/507C/508T collimator, from Polish manufacturer Two Brothers Military Engineering....
CZ Shadow 2 OR mounting plate for Vortex/Docter - 2BME021
The CZ Shadow 2 pistol mounting plate for the Vortex/Docter collimator, from Polish manufacturer Two Brothers Military Engineering....
Enlarged Magazine Catch, Compatibility : AKM & JACK, Manufacturer : WBP Rogów
Enlarged Fire Selector offered by WBP Rogów is a solid metal construction, perfectly suited for AK Jack platform in 7.62 and 5.56 versions, as well as other models based on AKM design....
ESK Fire Selector - 3 types, Compatibility : AR, Manufacturer : Magpul, Color : Black
A set of fire selectors for AR platform weapons, manufactured by Magpul....
ESK Fire Selector - 3 types, Compatibility : AR, Manufacturer : Magpul, Color : FDE
A set of fire selectors for AR platform weapons, manufactured by Magpul. ...
Extended Trigger Guard, Manufacturer : Magpul (USA), Compatibility : AR15/M4, Color : Black
Ergonomic and enlarged construction allows for comfortable gun operation with winter and tactical gloves....
Ergonomic and enlarged construction allows for comfortable gun operation with winter and tactical gloves....
Flash Hider, Manufacturer : SilentSteel (Finland), Model : QD Flash Hider BL M18x1 CZ Scorpion Evo
Muzzle device from a Finnish manufacturer, which is responsible for hiding the flash while shooting....
Folding - Picatinny mount, Model : Alpha Series M4 Beam Stock, Manufacturer : Midwest Industries
Can be configured to fold on the right or left
Front Sight Adjuster Pro, a versatile tool designed for fine adjustment of the front sights....
G10 panels for BUL 1911 FS - GK11 Desert #GRP/1911-9
FS G10 panels provide better hand grip during fast shooting and in wet conditions. These are pre-cut to ensure compatibility with ambidextrous manipulators....
G10 panels for BUL 1911 FS - GK11 Gray #GRP/1911-8
FS G10 panels provide better hand grip during fast shooting and in wet conditions. These are pre-cut to ensure compatibility with ambidextrous manipulators....
G10 panels for BUL 1911 FS - GK11 Green #GRP/1911-14
FS G10 panels provide better hand grip during fast shooting and in wet conditions. These are pre-cut to ensure compatibility with ambidextrous manipulators....