All Kynshot hydraulic buffers reduce the weapon's recoil significantly. These allows for faster target acquisition, while improving accuracy and also reducing wear of the slide in AR / PCC carbines. Kynshot Buffers are recommended by sport shooters, target shooters and professional users. Installation takes only 10 seconds.
Hydraulic Buffer, Manufacturer : Kynshot, Model : RB5007 PCC
All Kynshot hydraulic buffers reduce the weapon's recoil significantly. These allows for faster target acquisition, while improving accuracy and also reducing wear of the slide in AR / PCC carbines. Kynshot Buffers are recommended by sport shooters, target shooters and professional users. Installation takes only 10 seconds.
Kynshot hydraulic buffers are factory-installed in Taran Tactical and Daniel Defense PCC, and are recommended by the NTOA - National Tactical Officers Assosiation - an American association of employees and former employees of special and anti-terrorist formations.
RB5007 - Compatible with most PCC carbines. Reduces weapon recoil (up to 30%) and slide wear. Allows you to fire a follow-up shots faster with higher precision. Drop-in. Size: 9.90-13.50 cm / 170-220 g.