AK SAIGA MK // .223 REM Rifle - Kalashnikov Concern

StrefaCelu > Firearms and Ammunition > Centerfire Rifles > AK > Koncern Kałasznikowa
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Code: KONC.00161
Producer: Koncern Kałasznikowa
Producer code: 5900000025018

Semi-automatic rifle Saika MK chambered in .223REM is manufactured in russian Izh Mash factories in Izhevsk, famous for its production of the most popular firearm in XXth century -AK47, also known as Kalashnikov.

Saiga is nothing more than redesigned Kalashnikov for civilian market. As it's predecessor it has the same gas system, based on using part of the gasses created during firing, hardened steel, stamped sheet bolt chamber that allows for insertion and easy access to trigger mechanism. Safety is identical to its military counterpart. On the side of bolt chamber is has a mount for mounting a rail for optic or holographic sight.

Even with many similarities to Kalash, Saiga has multiple modern features. It incorporates revised 3 lock system of bolt carrier, making the operation light and smooth. That and it's powder gasses powering system causes Saiga in .223Rem to have verry little recoil. The rifle does not have fully automatic function.



  • Caliber: .223 REM
  • Weight: 3,5kg
  • Length: 950mm
  • Barrel length: 415mm
  • Magazine capacity: 10 rounds